The world's longest tow was marked with a RadarReflex reflector

New world record: Towed 2,500 tons of pipes from Norway to Malaysia

Pipelife Norway towed six 555 meter long pipes from Telemark to Malaysia. It could end up in the Guinness Book of Records.


ONLY ONE BOAT: “The pipes are floating, so there was no need for more than one tug”.






Retrieved from E24.NO:

– “It will be fun if we end up there even if it is not the type of attention we live for”, says project manager Lars Borgen in the pipe manufacturer Pipelife Norway about the possibility that the record will be official.

The company has set a new world record for towing pipes. From Pipelife’s factory at Stathelle in Telemark (Norway) to Bintulu in Malaysia, it is 27,720 kilometers. They just spent 190 days on this voyage, with six pipes of 555 meters, which weighed a total of 2,500 tons.

It was Teknisk Ukeblad who first wrote about this story.

This was the world’s longest pipe tow, says Borgen. Now SinoHydro, the Chinese company that will use the pipes for a power plant they are building, has taken the initiative to have the trip registered in the Guinness Book of Records

At the moment, this annual release says nothing about achievements in the pipe towing segment, but Borgen says they have a good overview of the relatively narrow industry.

The previous record is said to have been around half of the trailer in question, also this set by Pipelife Norway, when the job went from Norway to Uruguay.


185 trailers

SinoHydro, the recipient of the record trailer, is a subsidiary of China Power Corporation – China’s largest power developer. Pipelife hopes the record delivery can be the start of an exciting collaboration with the giant with 350,000 employees.


WORLD RECORD: The voyage down the west coast of Africa, around the Cape of Good Hope and across the Indian Ocean to Borneo covered a total of 27,720 kilometers and took 190 days.








 –  We also see that the project is getting noticed and hope that our record tow to Malaysia can give us new opportunities in the Asia and Middle East market, says export manager Trygve Johan Blomster in a press release.

Project manager Borgen says that they are a company that primarily works internationally, since 1995 they have made over 150 tows, and that they take orders where projects arise, as long as it is possible to make the work profitable.

He does not want to say what they earn on the record tow, but says that the costs that come with a shipment of this caliber means that such a large volume will be necessary for it to be profitable.


To put it all in context:

“If the same pipes were transported by land, it would require 185 fully loaded trailers with 18 meters long pipes”, Pipelife states.


Floating on the water

But why does a Chinese developer need to order pipes all the way from Norway? The plastic material is part of the explanation.


We were the first in the world to make such large plastic pipes. What is special about the material, polyethylene, is that it makes the pipes flexible – unlike steel pipes, for example. It is very beneficial in a country like Malaysia because they have great seismic activity. Other types of pipes will be able to crack, crack or sink into the ground during an earthquake, explains Lars Borgen



ARRIVAL: The six half-kilometer-long pipes are now in place at the Sarawak Energy power plant, which is being built by Chinese SinoHydro, in Malaysia.










The material also ensured that what initially sounded like a far more resource-intensive freight could be carried out by a single tugboat with a crew of five men.

– The pipes flow and require minimal machine power. This means that one tugboat can transport large quantities of pipes in one and the same tow, the company writes in the report.






Even Henden

+351 926 55 10 73 





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